
Cooperation bees mandala on passion flower

In a world that often overemphasizes independence and individual success, it’s important to remember how interdependent we also are. This applies whether you are a team leader, a team member, or even someone who often works independently.

I sometimes work with coaching clients around building support networks. This assists them in achieving what’s important to them.

In what areas of your life are you already good at cooperating–relying upon others while also allowing them to rely upon you?

In what areas of your life would you like to improve one or both of these aspects of cooperation?

Determine one or two small steps you can take over the next week to gently stretch your boundaries in this area.

Just Play!

play in colorfully patterned letters

If you have overachiever tendencies as I do, you may need occasional (or frequent) encouragement to remember the importance of playing and having fun. By the way, work and play don’t need to be mutually exclusive.