Community Resources

Sometimes I create resources for my neighborhood and post them here for easy access. Regardless of where you live, perhaps you’ll find something here inspiring or useful.

Rain Barrel Info

I used to receive many inquiries regarding our homemade rain water irrigation system. Below is the information sheet that was posted below our rain barrels. Some of the contacts and links are likely outdated and/or specific to where I lived then; but it may still be useful if you’re considering building a system. You can also read about the book whose design was partially inspired by our rain barrels.

Build Your Own Rain Barrels Info Sheet (pdf)

Safe Pups, Safe People: Please Leash Your Dog Brochure

I grew up with dogs and love them. But allowing them to run off-leash in dense urban areas can be dangerous for them, for other dogs, and for people.

Because off-leash dog incidents are common in Southeast Portland, I created a brochure for others to download and print. Carry when walking or jogging, and hand it out to others. You could adapt the information for your own city or neighborhood.

Safe Pups, Safe People Brochure (pdf)