Naked Idealism Book Giveaway for Climate Change Activists

This is quite an eventful week, with thousands of people across the U.S. taking action to promote awareness about climate change.

Naked Idealism: Expose Your Authentic Self & Create a Sustainable Life & World is the self-empowerment guide for socially and ecologically conscious people. A number of caring people have told me it has helped them become happier and more effective. But don’t take my word for it, read some of the testimonials.

I use many of the book’s concepts with  my coaching clients. It draws upon dozens of books and more than eight years of formal training in psychology, counseling, policy/management, and coaching. All pulled together over hundreds of hours, to help you to find your authentic self, live your passion, and make the world a better place.

As a thanks and way of paying it forward, I’m giving away 10 ebook copies of it (hyperlinked pdf) to folks who are generously giving time to participate in a climate change awareness activity this week. It can be at either the national or local level.

To win, simply comment on this blog post’s corresponding Facebook post on Wheitner Authentic Living, with the following: Briefly describe one change you hope to experience as a result of reading the book, after browsing its description page.

No need to provide proof that you’re participating in a climate change awareness activity; I’ll trust you’re being honest. But you’re welcome to mention your activity in your comment, if you wish.

The first 10 people to do this get an ebook automatically. Just make sure the messaging feature isn’t disabled on your Facebook profile page, or I won’t be able to contact you.* Cutoff is 9/22 at 11:59 PM Pacific or after 10 entries are received, whichever comes first.

The only thing I ask in return is that you pay the energy forward. If you find the book helpful, spread the word through a share on Facebook, a brief testimonial on its Amazon page, or a mention to friends who might benefit from it. Receiving brief testimonials by email or Facebook always gives me warm fuzzies, too. 🙂

I’ll send ebooks to the winners by 9/24. Many thanks!

*If your Facebook messaging button is disabled, message me with your email address through the Wheitner Authentic Living Facebook page, after posting your entry comment.

Dave welcomes phone-based life, career, and transition coaching clients.

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