Book Giveaway for The Snuggle Party Guidebook

Snuggle Party Guidebook front cover

Snuggle Party Guidebook front coverBiggest book giveaway I’ve ever done! I feel this book is very important, and want it to get out into the world.

I’m giving away 20 copies (up to 10 hard copy, remainder hyperlinked pdf ebook) of the new book The Snuggle Party Guidebook.

If you find useful information, I’d hugely appreciate your posting a brief review on the book’s Amazon page, and mentioning the book on any social network sites you use at some point over the 3 weeks.  This will help it reach others. However, you are not obligated.

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Expanding Our Thanksgivings: A Weekend of Authentic Connection

lost in a sea of shoppers

On the day after Thanksgiving, many Americans climb out of bed extra early, bleary-eyed, to hit the stores. We take on masses of other eager shoppers, seeking sales on everything from televisions to smartphones.

Why do we do this?

Sometimes, whether or not we observe Christmas, we’re just looking to score a good deal on something that we want, on this day of exceptional retailer competition. But often, we’re simply looking to connect with other human beings. Through buying our loved ones the perfect toy, gadget, tool, or item of clothing, we hope to express our affection. When we give a gift, we often hope to get affection in return.

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Book on Geeks and Nerds Wins Goodreads Award

A decent percentage of my clients are, like me, self-professed geeks and nerds. Thus, I found it exciting and heartwarming when a former classmate’s book won this year’s Goodreads Reader’s Choice Award in Nonfiction. The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth: Popularity, … Read more